During the period we have been closed, as well as the usual repairs, maintenance and safety checks, we have been very busy undertaking further work to improve the stage and facilities.
We have installed a walkway tunnel across the rear of the stage. Until now artists, actors and stage crew had the squeeze behind the backcloth to pass from one side of the stage to the other. The crossover tunnel will make it faster and safer for persons to do this. The tunnel will also enable us to store scenery on the top of it, freeing up space in the wings.

We have added more LED stage lighting and updated some technical equipment. Another addition is a PVC roof between the large dressing room and the outside workshop. We can now store our scenery paint and chairs. Until now, the chairs have been stored in the large dressing room and took up valuable space. Having the new storage area will enable us to dispose of the small green shed and clear the yard.

And of course, we have been finishing the dressing room extension and decorating.

The stage has not been empty during August and September. In August we spent a day with RSD academy rehearsing in preparation for a performance at the Millennium Centre. We have also had the pleasure of Stardreams Theatre Company (www.stardreams.co.uk)Â rehearsing on Wednesday evenings for their production of Beauty and the Beast (to be staged here at the Savoy in April 2025).

It being nearly Panto time, we are now well into Pantomime rehearsals, costume making and set building. We are having a bundle of laughs putting this year’s show together. We have an amazing cast to work with.

Now with the 2025 diary filling up fast, we are looking forward to an exciting and fun packed new year.