1st April 2018 -
Job Title
Theatre Cat 1
Tucks, Tucky-Boy, Tucker Moglet, Big Bean, Tucky Bean. A very obvious nickname, but we cannot put it here!
6 (ish!)
Duties and Hobbies
Chasing everyone and everything around the theatre, playing, eating, exploring, having a mad half hour at 1am, purring, meeting people, sneaking up and pouncing on people and my toys, sleeping, making sure I'm involved in all aspects of day to day life at the theatre (cloth hanging, selling tickets, paperwork etc), sitting on windowsills and people-watching, rodent and creepy-crawly control, playing with Ollie, keeping Ollie in check.
Significant Others
Dan, Hayley, Julie, Jackie, Ollie, Hayley's family, patrons of the theatre, the theatre staff, my toys.
Favourite Food
Corned beef, Dreamies, cheese, treat sticks, ice cream, coffee cake (all in moderation of course!)
Favourite TV Programmes, Films and DVDs
I like watching fish videos on Hayley's iPad, and bird videos on YouTube.
Things I Hate
Being on my own when Dan and Hayley are working (although I try to make sure I'm involved in some way or another!), being locked out of the bedroom and kitchen, Ollie pestering me to play when I want to sleep.
annoying habits
Using the front carpeted area of the stage as a scratching post and diving into the silver slash curtain when we are trying to hang it (see photo opposite).
Best Moment When Building the Theatre
I wasn't around in the early days, but when I was adopted, I loved discovering that I had a massive playground to run around in!
My Heroes
My family! The people at Friends of the Animals Wales who rescued me before Dan and Hayley.